If you are interested in joining our lab as a graduate student or postdoc send me an e-mail with a statement of the kinds of questions that you would be interested in pursuing and a brief overview of your previous academic and research experiences. This will give me a sense of how your skills and interests might fit in with the rest of the lab. Also include a copy of your CV and an unofficial transcript.
Prospective graduate students should definitely check out this great EBIO resource!!!
Status for August 2025 admission:
Students: Admission deadlines for Fall 2025 have now passed.
Postdocs: I currently have funds to support postdoctoral research with red squirrels, but I do not currently have funds to support the stipend of postdoctoral researchers. Postdocs would need to secure stipend support from some of the funding resources below. I do not currently have any advertised postdoctoral positions.
Research Technicians: I do not currently have any Research Technician positions available.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): We will hire two REU students to work on the red squirrel project each year. See here for more details.
Funding Resources
CU Graduate Student Funding Information
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
NSERC (for Canadians only)
Funding for Postdocs
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology
NSERC Banting postdoctoral fellowship (for Canadians who received their PhD from Canada only)
NSERC postdoctoral fellowship (for Canadians who received their PhD from Canada only)
Contact Me